NECA ‘s weblogs

March 15, 2010

CVP Seniors NECA 1st place

Filed under: NECA Vdo, NECA Video Clip, Panthers — kornfeb3 @ 5:30 am

neca competition …

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CVP Seniors NECA 1st place

by cvpcheerchick24 (Category: People & Blogs)

March 12, 2010

NECA photo by Ljubisa Bojic(7)

Filed under: NECA Flickr, NECA Picture — kornfeb3 @ 11:26 pm

Predstavnici Å kole veb-novinarstva u poseti Å¡tandu RTS na sajmu brendova 2009

Predstavnici Å kole veb-novinarstva u poseti Å¡tandu RTS na sajmu brendova 2009

more of Ljubisa Bojic’s photos

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March 10, 2010

TMNT – From Comics to Neca Toys

Filed under: NECA Video Clip, NECA Youtube — kornfeb3 @ 5:21 pm

Here is a spotlight on my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collection.
TMNT toys from over the years and My favourite TMNT Comic Book Covers.
Check it out!! …

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TMNT – From Comics to Neca Toys

by Transformernut (Category: Entertainment)

March 8, 2010

From Pixels to Plastic: Episode 19- Game Figures by NECA

Filed under: NECA Vdo, NECA Video Clip, Pixels — kornfeb3 @ 11:17 am

Pixel Dan takes a look at all of the wonderful video game toys from NECA, including Resident Evil, Gears of War, Assassin’s Creed,and more! See more at …

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From Pixels to Plastic: Episode 19- Game Figures by NECA

by Mandalorian30 (Category: Entertainment)

March 6, 2010

Street Fighter 4 Neca RYU Figure Review

Filed under: Fighter, NECA Video Clip, NECA Youtube, Street — kornfeb3 @ 5:13 am

Great figure, detail is awsome! Stiff joints though and a bit of quality control issues! Good substitute for a Sota figure! …

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Street Fighter 4 Neca RYU Figure Review

by maverikii (Category: Entertainment)

Street Fighter 4 Neca RYU Figure Review

Filed under: Fighter, NECA Video Clip, NECA Youtube, Street — kornfeb3 @ 5:13 am

Great figure, detail is awsome! Stiff joints though and a bit of quality control issues! Good substitute for a Sota figure! …

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Street Fighter 4 Neca RYU Figure Review

by maverikii (Category: Entertainment)

March 3, 2010

Vangelus Review 08 – NECA TMNT Leonardo

Filed under: NECA Video Clip, NECA Youtube, Review — kornfeb3 @ 11:08 pm

Vangelus reviews Leonardo from NECA’s new TMNT line! And that’s two sets of acronyms! This was actually the first review shot in the Toronto hotel, but Voyager Prime had existing footage to work with already, and thus budged in front of the line. …

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Vangelus Review 08 – NECA TMNT Leonardo

by Vange1us (Category: People & Blogs)

Vangelus Review 08 – NECA TMNT Leonardo

Filed under: NECA Video Clip, NECA Youtube, Review — kornfeb3 @ 11:08 pm

Vangelus reviews Leonardo from NECA’s new TMNT line! And that’s two sets of acronyms! This was actually the first review shot in the Toronto hotel, but Voyager Prime had existing footage to work with already, and thus budged in front of the line. …

Shopping store: buy cheap Nerf N Strike & discount

Vangelus Review 08 – NECA TMNT Leonardo

by Vange1us (Category: People & Blogs)

March 1, 2010

Only Thoughtful Planning And Discipline Can Lead To Goal Powers

Filed under: NECA Articles, NECA News — kornfeb3 @ 5:04 pm

Only Thoughtful Planning And Discipline Can Lead To Goal Powers
By []Johnny McKenzie

The worst disassemble round wanting to read about information is looking for it. With so many sources of information on the internet one would be dense pressed to breed out the exact information that is needed. We’ve once done the hard work for you and made it available to you with this article that you are now reading. So read this article about goal setting…

There is a large gulf between the position of a goal and goal accomplishment. Most goals don’t proceed beyond the paper on which they have been written. And a few of them will fall midway of the distance. Very few people will travel the full distance when it comes to setting goals.

In case you want to close your goals then you want to possess the following points in mind:

* You should work with a burning drive to achieve your goal. Many a times we do chattels because of fear of failure or scolding. In case this is what you are doing then you are destined never to succeed.

* You must keep faith in your capabilities. Nothing is impossible to achieve if you have the genuine attitude.

* Written words have more proficiency of coming right than spoken or imagined ones when it comes to goals. Be to the point as to what you want to do and make sure to write down every goal, sub-goal and the way you are going to achieve them.

* Write down all the benefits and that desire that come your way once you achieve the goal. This is a prolonged motivating factor, and will keep you breeze forward.

* List the skills that you call for to achieve your goals. For instance, if you want to be a chef then you must comprehend how to work with vegetables. Knowing where you stand today will lend a hand in planning your future steps.

* Create a list of obstacles that you are presumably to come across. These may be shortage of finances, for instance. If that is so, then you must encounter ways to arrange the funds previously the financial crisis beyond doubt hits you.

* You must many times use regular deadlines. These should be vigorous but achievable. If you fail to fulfill your task by the period allotted create changes and demand another deadline. Don’t impartial stop working if a deadline to finish a sub-task is not met. Just keep moving forward.

* Bring about a list of persons who can motivate you to reach your goal. Their base can mean a lot when you are under pressure.

* Picture your goals as vividly as imaginable because then you know where you want to reach and arrange the extra efforts to reach there.

* Don’t loose hope or give up. Failure will come but you should grab it in the right stride. That’s the solitary way to advance forward.

What an interesting article, don’t you converse in the brain? Sufficiently, there are more interesting and informative articles on that topic here. So perceive free to browse round and read the articles.

And if you are also interested in other topics there are so many other subjects obtainable for your enjoyment and information. Just don’t burn your bridges, make sure you to put the necessarily action in that is

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Only Thoughtful Planning And Discipline Can Lead To Goal Powers

Filed under: NECA Articles, NECA News — kornfeb3 @ 5:04 pm

Only Thoughtful Planning And Discipline Can Lead To Goal Powers
By []Johnny McKenzie

The worst disassemble round wanting to read about information is looking for it. With so many sources of information on the internet one would be dense pressed to breed out the exact information that is needed. We’ve once done the hard work for you and made it available to you with this article that you are now reading. So read this article about goal setting…

There is a large gulf between the position of a goal and goal accomplishment. Most goals don’t proceed beyond the paper on which they have been written. And a few of them will fall midway of the distance. Very few people will travel the full distance when it comes to setting goals.

In case you want to close your goals then you want to possess the following points in mind:

* You should work with a burning drive to achieve your goal. Many a times we do chattels because of fear of failure or scolding. In case this is what you are doing then you are destined never to succeed.

* You must keep faith in your capabilities. Nothing is impossible to achieve if you have the genuine attitude.

* Written words have more proficiency of coming right than spoken or imagined ones when it comes to goals. Be to the point as to what you want to do and make sure to write down every goal, sub-goal and the way you are going to achieve them.

* Write down all the benefits and that desire that come your way once you achieve the goal. This is a prolonged motivating factor, and will keep you breeze forward.

* List the skills that you call for to achieve your goals. For instance, if you want to be a chef then you must comprehend how to work with vegetables. Knowing where you stand today will lend a hand in planning your future steps.

* Create a list of obstacles that you are presumably to come across. These may be shortage of finances, for instance. If that is so, then you must encounter ways to arrange the funds previously the financial crisis beyond doubt hits you.

* You must many times use regular deadlines. These should be vigorous but achievable. If you fail to fulfill your task by the period allotted create changes and demand another deadline. Don’t impartial stop working if a deadline to finish a sub-task is not met. Just keep moving forward.

* Bring about a list of persons who can motivate you to reach your goal. Their base can mean a lot when you are under pressure.

* Picture your goals as vividly as imaginable because then you know where you want to reach and arrange the extra efforts to reach there.

* Don’t loose hope or give up. Failure will come but you should grab it in the right stride. That’s the solitary way to advance forward.

What an interesting article, don’t you converse in the brain? Sufficiently, there are more interesting and informative articles on that topic here. So perceive free to browse round and read the articles.

And if you are also interested in other topics there are so many other subjects obtainable for your enjoyment and information. Just don’t burn your bridges, make sure you to put the necessarily action in that is

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